Hutton Parish includes Hutton, Elborough and Haywood Village Parish Map
Services in St Mary's Church
Sunday 5 Jan 10am Joint Holy Communion
Sunday 12 Jan 10am Morning Worship in Locking
Sunday 12 Jan 4pm Evening Service
Sunday 19 Jan 10am Morning Worship
Sunday 26 Jan 10am Mattins
Messy Church
Saturday 18th January 3.45pm to 6pm in Hutton Church
Crafts, songs, story, fun, giving thanks & afternoon tea.
Everyone welcome. Further details - Mary Potter 01934 812788
Community Cafe
Saturday 25th January 10am-12.30pm in Locking Church Centre
Coffe, cakes, stalls and children's acitvities.
Quiz Night with Fish and Chip Supper
Friday 31st January in Hutton Village Hall. BYO drinks and glasses
£11 per person. Teams of 6 max.
Tickets call 01934 814205 by Jan 23rd.
Church Office Opening Hours
Located in Locking Church Centre opposite St Augustine's Church
Office hours are now : Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9.00am - 12.00 noon
Please visit or ring 01934 822857 at these times or leave a message on the ansaphone and we will get back to you.
Food bank
Thank you to everyone who has continued to support The Foodbank with their donations. All donations, however small are gratefully received and used to help someone in need. Thank you. Margaret Bailey Trustee Weston Foodbank. Donations can be left in either church, or on the doorstep of John and Margaret Bailey, 31 Willow Drive, Hutton where they will be collected and taken to the foodbank. Donations can also be taken to Toots Cafe - Weds 9am - 6pm they are at Hutton Football Club, Springwood playing field, Hutton.
Prayer requests
If you need prayer for yourself or another then there is a team of people ready to pray. For Hutton please contact Kay Cole on 01934 811424 and she will send out the prayer request. .
Please see our Giving Page to give online towards the upkeep of the church building, the ministry and our Mission Partners. At services and special events a card reader is now available for contactless payment. Thank you for all your support for your local church.
Hutton Church of England Primary School
Headteacher: Charlie Barwell, Tel: 01934 812 852
Website www.huttonceprimaryschool.co.uk
Hutton Primary School is a village school with around 205 pupils. The school serves a varied catchment area with children from Weston-super-Mare and the surrounding area joining those from the village. As a Church of England school, the school strives to provide a warm and friendly environment for all, with a strong Christian ethos throughout and has close ties with Hutton church. See the 2022 school SIAMS report
Haywood Village Church
Haywood Village Church is an Ecumenical Church which meets in Haywood village school with a Take 5 pop up cafe and a monthly cafe style service called Tea and Toast Church. See haywoodvillagechurch.org and Haywoodchurch
Haywood Village School
Haywood Village Academy primary school is in Whitney Crescent in the Haywood Village estate on the former airfield. It runs a variety of school acitivities and a pre-school. Headmaster: Craig Jones, Contact: 01934 312720, Website: haywoodvillageacademy.clf.uk
![Hutton Village Hall](/images/hutton_village_hall.jpg)
Hutton Parish Council
The Clerk can be contacted on 01934 813871 and is available in the Parish Council Office at the Village Hall each weekday morning between the hours of 9.00am and 1.00pm. See Parish Council for further information.
Hutton Village Hall
Situated in the centre of the village, Hutton Village Hall is a base for social activities for the whole parish. Its multiple facilities can be hired by clubs, societies and individuals from within or outside the parish. Ideal for wedding receptions, birthday parties, meetings, dances, quizzes, concerts and all sorts of social functions; a fully licensed bar can be provided on request. The large main hall with its stage can seat 180 people, and has a fully equipped kitchen. The small hall seats 70, and has an attached kitchenette with hot and cold water and electrics. The Legion Room, which incorporates the bar, seats 40.
The Village Hall booking officer can be contacted on 07340 099107
Little Owls Pre-School
Open from 9.00am - 3.45pm Monday - Friday.
Provides organised play facilities and lunch club for 2-4 year olds between 8.30am and 3.45pm.
You can find us at Hutton Church of England Primary School.
Leader - Serena Howell 07757 201694. See Little Owls Facebook page
Women's Fellowship
Locking and Hutton Women’s Fellowship meets in the Green Room, Locking Church Centre
1st, 3rd & 5th Thursdays from 2.45 to approx 4.00pm
All ladies most welcome. To join this friendly, informal group which usually comprises a short act of worship, a speaker and refreshments For further information or to arrange a lift please contact Kay Cole Tel: 811424
Hutton Friendship Circle
Promotes and encourages friendship between members, mainly senior citizens, although there is no age limit. Would-be members and visitors are welcome at our regular meetings. Contact: Wendy Wilson on 01934 812604
![Hutton in Bloom](/images/hutton_in_bloom.jpg)
Hutton in Bloom
Hutton is a regular winner of horticultural awards for floral displays around the village. The Hutton in Bloom group maintains the appearance of the village and works with the community of Hutton to bring children and adults together See Hutton in Bloom
Hutton-Dabaso Twinning Association
An association that links Hutton with a village in North East Kenya. See Missions.
Contact: Margaret Sills, Phone: 812245
Royal British Legion
Hutton, Locking and Oldmixon Branch of the Royal British Legion meets at Hutton Village Hall on the second Tuesday of each month at 19:30. Legion membership offers a wealth of opportunities to build relationships and share experiences with like-minded people. We can promise new members a warm and friendly welcome and would be delighted to meet you at one of our meetings. Contact: Peter Follett, Phone: 814637
Short Mat Bowls Club
Mondays and Thursdays 6.15pm in Hutton Village Hall. New members welcome, no experience necessary. Come and give it a go. Tuition provided in a friendly atmosphere. Social events throughout the year. Tel 01934 812310 for more infromation.
Hutton Drama Club
Hutton Drama Club usually puts on two productions a year in the Village Hall. The summer play, at the end of June - often a comedy - and a Pantomime at the end of January. For latest production news and tickets see huttondramaclub.co.uk
Hutton Scout Hut
Hutton Scout Hut is located in open fields by St Mary's Road in the village of Hutton. The building is used by a number of Scouting groups for weekly meetings and also for other activities. The building is surrounded by fields which can be used for camping and outdoor activities. Car parking is also available on site. For information and availability contact the Clerk on 01934 813871. For Scouts Contact: Gareth Coombs, Phone: 824083
Hutton Football Club
Hutton Football Club is a Charter Standard Community Club with children, young people and adult members in the Weston super Mare area - We have teams for all ages, ability and gender. The club has two grounds, Springwod Playing Fields and Jubilee playing fields, both in the village of Hutton, just outside Weston Super Mare. For information see Hutton FC.
The Helicopter Museum
The new entrance building is now open and complete with a brand new cafe and display area. The Helicopter Museum is looking for volunteers to join their team for help setting up etc at their events which are held throughout the year.They would be happy with any time you have to spare. They also need volunteers for the shop and new wardens for the Museum of the Airfield. See helimuseum.com
Please contact Lee or Tom on tel 635227 or fill in the contact form on the Helimuseum website.
Community Policing
Contact: PCSO Michael Benfield, Phone: 101
PCSO Kayley Anderson, Phone 101
Venues for Health Visitors Drop-in Sessions
- Tuesdays from 9.00 - 11.30am,, Ashcombe Children's Centre, Stepping Stone Walk, off Earlham Grove, WsM, Tel: 426380
- Tuesdays 10.00 - 11.30 am, Central Weston Children's Centre, 81-83 Meadow Street, WsM, Tel: 426794
- Wednesdays 9.00 - 11.00 am, South Weston Children's Centre, Flonsdale Avenue, WsM , Tel 427550
- 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1.30 - 3.30 pm, Banwell Children's Centre, West Street, Banwell
- Thursdays from 9.30 - 11.30 am, Milton and Old Worle Children's Centre, Mendip Avenue, Worle, WsM, Tel: 426380
- Fridays from 9.00 - 10.30, Oldmixon Family Centre, Monkton Ave WsM, Tel: 427619
Mobile Library
Visits Hutton fortnightly on Fridays and stops in Holm Road 3.10pm - 3.55pm.
Friendly staff, lots of books, talking and large print books.
Waste Disposal
Collections of Green recycling and food waste boxes every Wednesday. Black wheelie bin and Green garden waste wheelie bins fortnightly on Wednesdays.
You can order Green wheelie bins from North Somerset Council.