A Short History and Guide to the Church and Church Yard
Much of the present building is over 500 years old and it has had at least one predecessor as the Parish Church of Hutton.

Before the Norman Conquest the lands now comprising this parish belonged to the Abbey of Glastonbury and, although there is no known evidence of any ecclesiastical building in Hutton at that time, some place of worship was probably provided.
The Earliest Known Church
The earliest positive references to a church in Hutton come from the late 13th century when a deed (of about 1275) mentions the land "of the Rector of the Church of Hutton" and when this church was assessed for Papal taxation (1291).
The first named Rector of Hutton was John de Ameneye, who was succeeded in 1311 by Roger de Langelonde. A virtually complete list of rectors from then to the present day is displayed above the desk for the Visitors' Book. The church is now in a joint Benefice with St Augustine’s Locking and cared for and led by the Rector, who lives in Locking.
The church of that period was probably built by the Waleys or Walsh family, lords of the manor of Hutton from at least 1243 to 1426. In 1404, the next to the last male member of this family, the first Roger Walsh, bequeathed his "body to be buried in the Church of the Blessed Mary of Hotton". His will provides the earliest surviving evidence of the dedication of this church to the Virgin Mary.
No identifiable trace of this early building has yet been found, but the odd alignment of the foundation stones at the northwest corner of the present building may indicate that the same site was then used.
The Present Church
Architectural evidence shows that, at some time during the latter half of the 15th century, the earlier church was entirely rebuilt, as were so many other churches in North Somerset
Members of the Payne family, joint lords of the manor of Hutton at that time, are most likely to have been responsible for this rebuilding, more particularly John Payne who, in 1496, was buried at his request before the high altar.
The entire tower of the present building, the roof and north wall of its nave, its chancel arch and the small battlemented turret projecting northwards near the junction of the nave and the chancel are the main parts of the 15th century building which still remain virtually unaltered, and the stone pulpit is its finest ornament. With no south aisle and no vestry, its chancel lower and with a small porch providing the main entrance through the south wall of the nave, this church must have looked quite small.
One feature of its interior during the late 15th or early 16th century was a rood-loft across the chancel arch, approached steps inside the battlemented turret, and bearing a high cross. It must have existed in 1545 when John Benet of Hutton left twelve pence "to the high cross light", but it probably did not long survive the Reformation.

From the early 18th Century, the tower contained 4 bells the heaviest weighing 10cwt. The 3rd bell was added in 1914, this being a reconditioned bell of similar vintage to the originals. One of these has the inscription "When I do call com serve God all". By 1964 the bells had became silent due to a lack of ringers. But in 1996, following an inspection and minor restoration work, the rung was brought to life again with a newly trained band of local ringers. Since Easter 1997 they have rung regularly for Sunday worship, Wednesday practices, Remembrance Sunday and New Years Eve. They have also rung to commemorate the Millennium, the Bi-Centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar in 2005 and half muffled to mourn Diana, Princess of Wales & The Queen Mother.
Following the findings of a bell inspection in 2006, a decision was taken, with the agreement of St Mary’s PCC, to consider a complete re-hang, including the addition of a sixth bell. This was formalised into the Clock and Bell project in 2007 and a specification of works necessary was drawn up and Bell Engineers were invited to tender.
Work commenced in September 2009 with the removal of the clock by J B Joyce, followed by the bells in October by the Bell Engineer Matthew Higby. We acquired a reclaimed treble, which together with the five original bells, were tuned together at Whitechapel foundry and are now a harmonious ring of six. The frame and the bells were returned to the tower in October 2010, followed at a later date by the auto wound clock. The bells were formally dedicated by the Bishop of Taunton at morning service on January 23rd 2011. Since then, they are rung for Sunday services, weddings and Wednesday practices.
Towards the end of the 18th century much attention was paid to the accommodation of worshippers in this church. The pews with Roman numerals on their doors, which still occupy the north side of the nave, were made in 1785 of "Oak Sleapers and Good Red Deals" to replace seats said to be rotten. By 1815 there was a gallery at the west end of the nave and it was repaired as late as 1847.
In 1849 considerable alterations were made to the 15th century structure, ostensibly to increase its accommodation, by a Bristol architect, Samuel Charles Fripp, apparently related to an occupier of Hutton Court at that time. The gallery and south porch were removed, the south wall of the nave was replaced by an arcade of three bays and a south aisle was added; the chancel was increased in height and provided with an additional window, and a small vestry was added on its north side. Fortunately, by the extensive use of old material and skilful imitation of the original style, a harmonious effect was achieved, as the present visitor may see.
The history of this church may best be learned by following the guided tour of the building.
The starting-point of this tour is the north-west corner of the nave, near the font.

The Nave - North Side
In this corner stands the octagonal font, of simple Perpendicular style but of unknown date. Behind it are some of the wall-seats introduced in 1849, and, high above them, a ledge which indicates the position of the early 19th century gallery.
The top part of the nearer window in the north wall contains the few surviving fragments of late 15th or early 16th century stained glass, including the arms of various members of the Payne and Oldmixon families. The more easterly window and the adjacent mural tablets are late Victorian and early 20th century memorials to members of the Bisdee family. Also two memorial tablets to the Brent family who resided at Hutton Court in the first half of the 19th century. Between the two windows is the War Memorial tablet, commemorating the victims of the two World Wars.
The 1785 pews were repaired in 1975-1976 and a few removed to provide more space at both ends of the nave. The floor area thus exposed, together with that of the middle passage, partly boarded and partly paved with old tombstones, was then covered with a red carpet.
Overhead, the plastered wagonroof, with its dark oak ribs, richly carved bosses and foliated cornices, is a fine specimen of 15th century Somerset craftsmanship. The wrought-iron brackets, which may be seen projecting from the walls here and at various points throughout the church, were used to support oil-lamps before electric lighting was installed. The brackets have since been raised up to provide suitable supports for the new electric lighting, installed in 2005.
At the east end of the nave is the finely chiselled 15th century pulpit of Doulting stone standing high on a slender shaft and partly set in the north wall, access being gained by means of a recessed staircase. Above the staircase arch are ledges which indicate the position of the former rood loft. Below the pulpit is a display cabinet containing a Book of Remembrance for recording the names of those whose ashes are buried in the south-east corner of the churchyard with and without memorial stones, given in memory of Mary and Dorothy Lewis' parents.
The brass lectern of traditional eagle design commemorates the coronation of Edward VII in 1902. Just above the apex of the chancel arch are the arms of Queen Victoria, replacing those of earlier monarchs.

The Chancel
The wide lofty arch in the north wall of the chancel was constructed in 1870 to accommodate the old W.C. Vowles pipe organ. It is known, however, that an organ had been played in the church for several years in 1858. In 1998 the Parochial Church Council decided to replace the old organ, which was in need of major restoration, and had some of the existing pipework, which is still blown to produce notes, along with a lot of the existing original oak case, moved to the east end of the south aisle. It is now linked to a computerised console and produces a fine sound.
Until 1849 the vestry doorway, of simple Early English design, must have led outside and in times past would have been used for the ritual expulsion of those who were excommunicated. This now leads to a vestry, where the choir and clergy robe, and following major building works, a small kitchen area, toilet and an upper room, completed in 2003, the architect being Julian Hannam of Arturus, Clifton, Bristol.
Beyond the vestry door, the 15th century or early 16th century canopied recess, perhaps originally intended to be an altar-tomb or an Easter sepulchre, houses rather oddly a damaged mural brass bearing the heraldic devices and figures of Thomas Payne (died 1528), his wife, Elizabeth, and their eight sons and three daughters.
Above are two early Victorian memorial tablets for members of the Bisdee family who once lived in Van Dieman's Land, now called Tasmania. At the east end of the same wall there is a grim 18th century memorial to Robert Willis ( died 1719), bearing two crudely-carved stolid-faced cherubs with a skull and crossbones between them.
The stained glass in the east window was installed in 1916 as a memorial to George Henry Gibbs, Rector (1869-1896). Below it is the stone reredos erected in 1858 in memory of an earlier Rector, Alfred Harford (1825-1856).

The floor of the sanctuary, tiled probably in 1885, is now partly covered by a red carpet. Beneath this there is still preserved the tombstone of John Payne (died 1496), father of the previously mentioned Thomas, of Hutton Court. Set in this stone is a group of five finely executed 15th century brasses depicting John Payne, recumbent in full armour, with his second wife, Elizabeth, beside him and his four sons and seven daughters kneeling below them. At John's feet is an animal, showing that he died peacefully and not violently at war as many did in the middle ages. Since the figures and the inscription face the altar, they are not seen to advantage from the altar rail. Their details may be more clearly discerned in the brass-rubbing which is displayed at the west end of the nave. There is also a fine old chest.
Of the two stained glass windows on the south side of the chancel, the one in the sanctuary is another memorial to Alfred Harford and the other to Frances Middleton Fripp (died 1849). The mural tablets on this side commemorate two Rectors, Joseph Smith (1820-1825) and William Francis Rose (1896-1916), two of the latter's relatives who were victims of the First World War and some more members of the Bisdee family.
The fine oak choir stalls on the south side were obtained in 1970 from the parish church of Winsford on Exmoor, to replace those of the 19th century then in poor condition.
The Nave (South Side) and the South Aisle
Prior to moving the organ, there were two wooden screens cutting off the east end of the south aisle erected in 1949 to provide a robing-room for the choir. These have now been removed. The light oak pews on the south side of the nave were installed in memory of the victims of the Second World War. There were formally pews in the south aisle which were purchased from All Saints' Church, Weston-super-Mare in 1976 to replace the plain deal benches of 1849. These have now been replaced by comfortable seats, most of which were given in memory of former parishioners in 1997.
At the east end of the south aisle is the children's corner, and most of the remains of the Oldmixon Manor pew.
The two stained-glass windows in the aisle commemorate members of the Edwards family and date from 1885 (or shortly afterwards) and 1909 respectlvey. The latter by Clayton and Bell. This is a rare window of good quality workmanship. Another example of which is in St Mary Redcliffe church, Bristol.
High up on the west wall of the aisle is a memorial to Nathaniel Still (died 1626), son of Bishop Still who purchased Hutton Court in 1604. This stone tablet, which was originally on the north wall of the chancel, is engraved with the figures of Nathaniel Still, his wife and children, in Jacobean costume, all kneeling in prayer.
In the south-west corner of the nave, beside the offertory box and the desk for the Visitors' Book, a small door opens on to a stone spiral staircase leading to the clock-chamber, the belfry and the tower roof. Close by this door is a plaque listing the Rectors of Hutton, dating back to at least 1311.

The Tower - Ground Floor
Separating the nave from the tower is a dark wooden screen with a door and with plain glass lights above. This was probably erected early in the 19th century, a possible reference to it occurring in the churchwardens' accounts for 1826. It must certainly have been appreciated, as it is today, when the south porch was removed in 1849 and the tower door became the main entrance.
The ceiling of this part of the tower, with its 15th century lierne vaulting and sculptured corbels, is one of the architectural beauties of the church.
Against the south wall there now stand three huge tombstones which, until 1885, lay on the chancel floor. The one nearest to the inner door commemorates, in Latin, William Codrington (died 1728) who was a descendant of Nathaniel Still and a resident owner of Hutton Court. The middle stone defies positive identification but is probably late Elizabethan, and the far one is a memorial to the second Thomas Payne (died 1582), son of the Thomas and grandson of the John whose brasses are still in the sanctuary.
It is not known when, or for what commemorative purpose, if any, the present stained glass was inserted in the great west window but it would appear to be a particularly colourful Victorian product.
The Exterior
As one leaves the tower, it is worth while to turn round and look at the heavy oak door, a good specimen of 15th century craftsmanship, and also at the heads of King Henry VI and Bishop Beckington of Bath and Wells, which form the stops at the ends of the moulding of the window above.
The full beauty of all three stages of the diagonally buttressed tower, of typical North Somerset Perpendicular style, with its trefoil-pierced parapet, crocketed finials and graceful spirelet (capping the belfry staircase), is best appreciated from the western part of the churchyard, especially when the setting sun brings out the varied colouring of its stonework, local limestone and conglomerate.

This part of the churchyard, consecrated in 1884, was formerly the site of Hutton's oldest school, which was replaced in 1872 by the oldest part of the present building still in use at the corner of Church Lane and the Main Road.
As one follows the path round the south side of the church, one may observe, in the stone frames of the windows, lengths which are of older stonework than the rest. These indicate the use of old material during the rebuilding of 1849.
High up on the east wall of the south aisle is a 15th century canopied niche which once contained a statue, perhaps an image of the Virgin Mary. Various conjectures have been made concerning its original position, the most probable being that it stood inside the old porch above the south door of the 15th century church.
The chancel doorway bears unmistakable signs that the 1849 rebuilding was a conscious restoration of the original, though not without mistakes, for on the lintels on either side one may see the original mediaeval scratch-dials, one of them, however, upside down.
The path leading southwards from near the chancel door to a small arched doorway in the east wall of the churchyard used to provide direct access to the church for the occupiers of Hutton Court, some of whom - the Fripps, the Brents and the Bisdees - have their tombs alongside or near it. This path is clearly the successor of the "causeway leading through the little door to the church" mentioned in a manorial document of 1430 and it may partly follow the same course.

From the corner of the south end of this path one may obtain the best view of the bell-cot which stands at the eastern apex of the nave, overlooking the chancel. This is thought to be of 15th century origin and to have housed a sanctus bell, but it does not appear on a drawing of the church made in 1828. The bell is believed to have been removed when a detachment of Cromwell’s troops visited the village and the church used to stable their horses, but there is no evidence to support this story.
Retracing one's steps to beyond the west door, one may see in the churchyard on the north side some of Hutton's oldest tombstones, a few near the path dating from the 17th century.
From this part of the churchyard, or even from Church Lane just outside it, one may clearly see two interesting features of the north side of the church. One of them is the battlemented turret projecting from the junction of the nave and the vestry. This late l5th or early 16th century structure, with a small quatrefoil window now partly obscured by a downspout, was probably built to house the staircase, now no longer visible, leading to the rood loft. The west part of its interior now forms the recess for the pulpit stairs.
The other interesting feature is the familiar clock face set in the north wall of the tower. The clock was installed in 1887, to celebrate Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, and its mechanism, inside the first storey of the tower, was linked to the bells, whose mellow chimes still pleasantly mark the passage of time throughout the village.
The fine oak gates at the north-west and north-east entrances to the churchyard were made in 1953 by William Samuel Palmer to commemorate the Coronation of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
If you have enjoyed your visit to our church, we ask you to place a donation in the offertory box by the Visitors' Book, so that this place of worship may continue to be a part of the living Church. Before you go, pause awhile to pray in the communion of the saints. Find the Presence of the Lord and receive His Peace into your heart.
This Guide is the work of the late Mr Harold Coward, revised and brought up to date in March 2011. More details about the history of Hutton are here in the publication "Hutton, a Somerset Village".
A Celtic Prayer
God to enfold me,
God to surround me,
God in my speaking,
God in my thinking.
God in my sleeping,
God in my waking,
God in my watching,
God in my hoping.
God in my life,
God in my lips,
God in my soul,
God in my heart.
God in my sufficing,
God in my slumber,
God in mine ever-living soul,
God in mine eternity.
Note - This list does not include interment of ashes where not shown on the attached plan. This is shown on a seperate document below.
"CODE : TYPES: S (SURROUND), H (Headstone), + (Cross), T (tablet), U (urn), M (mound), C (container) t (tall), m (medium), l (low),
r (raised), inc (inclined), f (flat), rlg (railings)."
Condition: C (cared for), N (neglected), ? (doubtful).
No. Type Condition Persons interred or commemorated (with dates)
1 S Ht C Leslie Stuckey (1967) and Meg (1979)
2 S Ht C Lily Brown (1921)/ James Brown (1933)/ Eliza Betsey Brown (1965)
3 S Hm C Ernest George Phippen (1977)/ Phyllis Mary Phippen (1995)
3 T C Des Phippen (2010) burial
4 S Ht+ C Mary Badman Gibbs (1875)
5 S Ht C Robert N Board (1938)/ Edith Annie Board (1973) Hilda Isgar (1978)
6 S +t C Lilian Lowndes (1943)
7 S +t N William Francis Rose (Rector) (1916)/
8 S +t N Deborah Maria Tomlinson (1904)/ Robert Charles Tomlinson
9 M N ?
10 S Hl N Robert Palmer (1946)
11 M N ?
12 S +t C Mary Alberta Furnival (1882)/ Henry Wallace Furnival, Srgn, (1919)/ Henry Wallace Furnival (1923)
13 S +t C Edith Mary Cole (1936)/ Alexander B Francis Cole (Rector) (1947)/ H Jane B Munden (1933)
14 S +t C Frederick Temple Cole (1932)
15 S Ht N George Thorne (1907)/ Miriam Thorne (1910)
16 M N ?
17 S +t C Dorothy Henniker (1956)/ Augustus Major Henniker (1952)
18 S +t C Elizabeth Mitty Mitchell (1923)
19 S +t N Florence Mitchell ( 1931)
20 S Ht + C Beatrice Jane Bisdee (1881)/ Geraldine Beatrice Anne Bisdee (1863)/ Peter Gordon Fraser (1888)/ Alistair James Bisdee (1891)/ Donald Alexander Fraser(1897)/ Mary Gordon Fraser (1898)
21 S +t N Francis Leicester Butler (1883)
22 S +l N Brydon Rahilly (1886)
23 S +t chains (vault) C Sarah Bisdee (1888)/ Emily Mary Bisdee (1888)/ Alfred H Bisdee (1898)/ Alfred James Bisdee (1930)/ Edith Sutherland Bisdee (1926)/ Thomas Gamaliel Bisdee (1933)/ Thomas Edward Bisdee (1934)/ George Alfred Bisdee (1905)/ Ruth Marian Bisdee (1918)/ Sarah Maria Rahilly (1935)/ James N Bisdee (1959)
24 +l (iron) N
25 Ht N William Prosser (1820)
26 Ht N ? J.J.
27 Tr U N Thomas Symons (1783)/ Elizabeth Symons
28 Ht N Maria Palmer (1898)/ Joseph Palmer (1890)/ Julia Frances Nicks (1882)/ Roseina Palmer (1897)
29 Ht N ? J.P.
30 Tr N Bridges (1879)
31 Ht N John Jennings (1809)/ Susanna Jennings (1813)/ Ann Jennings (1848)
32 Hl N ?
33 S Tr rlg N James Capell (1804)/ Jane Capell (1812)/ Jane Capell(1780)/ Elizabeth Capell (1782)/ Mary Capell (1782)/ Margaret Capell (1785)/ Elizabeth Capell (1793)/ Ann Capell (1799)
34 S Tr N Thomas Hardwick (1821)/ Elizabeth Hardwick (1819)/ Philip Hardwick (1847)/ Charles Capell Hardwick (1849)
35 M N ?
36 M N ?
37 S Ht N Edward Hardwick (1890)/ Edward Arthur Hardwick (1931)/ Hannah Ruth Hardwick (1960)
38 Hl N ?
39 S Ht N Richard Slade (1882)/ Jane Slade (1888)
40 Hl N ?
41 Ht N Thomas Edwards (1850)/ Ann Elizabeth Edwards (1855)
42 Ht N Thomas Priscott (1886)/ Sarah Jane Priscott (1880)/ Mary Ann Priscott (1893)/ Robert Henry Priscott (1889)
43 Ht N ?
44 Ht N Samuel Millard (1854)/ James Millard (1842)/ Sampson Millard (1862)/ Hester Millard (1886)/ James Millard (1880)/ William Millard (1884)
45 Ht N Sarah Fear (1864)/ William Fear (1875)
46 Ht N Anthony Cullen (1816)/ John Cullen( )/ Hannah Cullen(183?)/ William Cullen (1830)/ Edwin Cullen (1850)/ Anthony Cullen (1830)
47 Ht N ?
48 S Hm + C Norman Hodgetts (1968)/ Muriel Dorothy Hodgetts (wife) (1997)
49 S T inc C Sarah Elizabeth Hodgetts (1973)
50 S Ht N Joseph Wilson (1880)/ William Wilson (1880)/ Hester Wilson (1893)/ Sarah Ann Wilson (1916)
51 S Hl N ? T.B. (1873)
52 Ht N John Hemens (1854)/ Betty Hemens (1875)
53 Ht Poss S N Arthur Gordon Thomson (1961)/ Doris Thorp Thomson (1971)
54 S H + C Percy Hopkinson (1960)
55 S Poss Tf N Florence Edith Crick (1960)
56 S C Phillis Claro (1962)
57 Ht Poss S N George Hemens (1897)/ Lucy French (1907)/ Thomas French (1914)/ Ellen Hemens (1932)
58 M N ?
59 M N ?
60 Ht N Annie Stoner (?)/ Hannah Fox (1880)
61 Ht N ?
62 Ht N Mary Ann Shute (1884)/ Robert Shute (1915)
63 S Hl C John Bevis Millard (1963)
64 Ht N ?
65 M C ?
66 S T inc C Harry White (1955)
66 at foot of grave Ashes interred Ruth Burrell 11/6/2015
67 S Hl C Florence Board (1967)/ William Percy Board (1975)
68 Ht N Annie ? (1856)
69 Ht N Henry W. Taylor (1877)/ Mary Taylor (1924)
70 S + C Daisy Clara Hains (1962)/ Henry Rex Hains (Rector) (1974)
71 M iron T C ?
72 S + C Maurice Reginald Victor Evans (1956)
73 Hl N ? (1619 or 1679)
74 Hl N ? (17c)
75 Hl N Thomas ? (Early 19c?)
76 M + wood N ?
77 Hl N Hester Symons (1689)/ probably John Symons (?)
78 Hl N Thomas Portar (1690)/ Hester Portar (daughter) (?)
79 Ht N ?
80 + fragment N ?
1 S Tr N Humphrey Brent (1758)/ John Brent (1769)/ Charles Coopey Brent (1794)/ Martha Coopey Brent (1818)/ James Etherigge Smith (1825)/ Harriet E Smith (1860)/ Frederick Smith (1869)
2 S M N ? Possibly members of the Good family.
Hm C Arthur Wilcox (1982)/ Hilda Annie Wilcox (wife) (1998)
3 Tf N John Good (1817)/ Hester Good (1820)/ James Good (1842)/ Harriet Good (1843)/ Clara H Good(1832)/ Charlotte Good (1831)/ Marianne Lavinia Good (1837)
4 Tf N ?
5 S Tr + N Edward Bowles Fripp (1870)/ Frances Middleton Fripp (1849)
6 S Tr++rlg N Thomas Bisdee (1842)/ Elizabeth Bisdee (1843)/ Thomas Sydenham Bisdee (1830)/ James Bisdee (1863)/ Isaac Bisdee (?)/ John Bisdee (1862)/ Ann Bisdee (1848)/ Sarah Bisdee (1837)/ Geraldine Beatrice A Fraser (1862)/ George Bisdee (1863)/ Mary Bisdee (1866)/ Eliza Bisdee (1877)/ Sarah Cater (1878)/ Edward Bisdee (1870)/ Jane Bisdee (1887)
7 Ht N Samuel Harse (1799)/ Elizabeth Harse (1812)
8 Ht N Isaac Kington (1773)/ Jacob Kington (1776)/ Isaac Kington (1781)/ Ann Kington (1785)/ Ann Kington (daughter) (?)
9 Ml N ?
10 Tr N Ruth Furnivall (1877)/ William Furnivall M.R.C.S. (1886)/ Sarah North (1877)
11 S + N Elizabeth Furnivall (1913)/ Ruth Furnivall (1925)
12 Hl N J.V. ?
13 Ht N John Taylor (1848)/ Hester Taylor (1804)/ Sarah Taylor (1833)
14 S + rlg N Edward Bunbury Litchford (1880)/ Thomasina W Litchford(1916)
15 Ht N C.G.?/ J.H.?/ E.H. ?
16 Tr N John Sheppard (1866)/ Ann Sheppard (1887)/ Charlotte Millard (1906)
17 Ht N Charles Greenwood (1765)/ Jane Hicks (1767)/ Jane Greenwood (1785)/ Edward Hicks (1779)/ Charles Greenwood jnr (1803)/ Sarah Greenwood (1840)
18 Tf N Mary Ann Payne (1839)/ John Payne (1838)/ George Henry Gordon Payne (1839)
19 Ht N ?
20 Ht N Emily Anne Reed (1854)/ John Reed (1859)
21 Ht N Marian Corfield (1873)
22 Hl N ?
23 Ht N William Palmer (1882)/ Ann Palmer (1934)
24 Ht N Louisa Davis (1888)/ Elvina Davis (1895)/ Selina Beatrice Davis (1921)/ Emma Jane Davis (1924)/ James Davis (1927)
25 Ht N Phoebe Davis (1848)/ James Davis (1860)/ Jane Davis (1870) Sarah Jane (1873)/ Samuel Davis (1874)/ Sarah Ann Folland (1887)
26 Ht N Eleanor Jane Gill (1889)/ Lillie Eva Gill(1890)/ William Edward Gill (lnfant)
27 Hl N ?
28 Ht N Henry Harse (1885)/ Ellen Harse (1928)
29 Ht N Mary Ann Harse (1820)/ Robert Blackburrow Hearse (1842)/ Isaac Hearse (1834)/ Abraham Hearse (1846)/ Samuel Hearse (1851)
30 Ht N Sarah Ann Harse (1909)
31 Ht N Samuel Harse (1859)/ Ann Hearse (?)
32 Ht N Esther Champion (1877)/ Samuel Harse (1881)
33 Tr N Phebe Cryer (1849)/ Jemima Hearse (1854)/ Jemima Harse (1877)/ Joseph Harse (1887)
33a Hm C C Charley Boley (1981)/ Margaret Helen Boley (1985)
34 Hm C Jeanette Lilian Boley (1972)/ Harold (Clyde) Boley (1997)
35 S Hm Herbert Edward Baber (1954)
36 Ht N Phebe Starks (1869)/ Mary Anne Starks (1890)
37 Tr N Agnes Melissa Baber (1913)/ Henry Baber (1917)
38 S Ht N Benjamin Baber (1880)/ Ann Baber (1881)/ Ada Augusta Baber (1888)/ Annie Eliza Baber (1899)/ Samuel Baber (1920)
39 +t N Henry James Baber (1923)/ Mabel Baber (1938)
40 S +t H+l H N Mary Ann Edwards (1867)/ Jane Phippen Edwards (1863)/ Hester Phippen Edwards (1879)/ Joseph Edwards (1885)/ Marianne Edwards (1889)
41 S Hl N Tory H H Frost (1971)
42 Ht N Harriet Pople (1868)/ James Pople (1897)
43 S Ht N Eliza Hemens (1855)/ Emily Margaret Hemens (1857)/ Margaret Emily Hemens (1858)/ Madeline Amelia Hemens (1875)/ Ida Hemens (1875)/ Egbert Hemens (1876)1 Herbert Hemens (1872)
44 S +t N Walter John Frost (1929)/ Harriet Rich (wife) (1930)
45 S Hl C Elsie Gwendolen Body (1952)/ Samuel Edward Body (1961)
46 Hm C Gilbert Frost (1972)
47 S Ht N Samuel Sheppard (1891)/ Eliza Sheppard (1895)/ Annie E Sheppard (1917)
48 Hl N S. S. W. G. ?
49 Ht N Elizabeth Grattan (1855)/ John Grattan (1848)
50 Hl N ?
51 Ht N John Sheppard (1884)/ Jane Sheppard (1885)
Interred Ashes by path
1 Alec Brown (1962) / Martha Elsie Brown (1976)
2 Olwen Mary Williams (1972)
3 Thomas Carr Lawrenson (1975)
4 ?
5 Ernest 'Sam' Cattell (1973)
6 Robert Marshall (1971)
7 ?
8 Edith Elizabeth Brookes (1973)
9 Arthur Edward Wyatt (1976)
10 William Alan Parkman (1969)
11 John Skerrett Smith (1972)
12 Howard Beevers (1973)
13 Francis Ivan Ellis (1973)
14 Victor E C Berkeley (1972)
15 Rose Bishop (1975)
16 Lionel Courtnay Evans (197 )
17 Harold Woolmington (1977)
18 Florence Phoebe (Pat) Harvey (1977)
19 ?
1 M Mrs M A Clarke
2 M N Douglas Starks and mother
3 M N Douglas Starks and mother
4 S Ht N Samuel Sheppard (1892)/ Anne Sheppard (1905)
5 M N ?
6 M N ?
7 Hm C Leonard Barwick (1971)
8 M C Walter Sweet (1918)
9 M N ? Possibly Roland Sweet
10 S Hm C Mary Ann Bryant (1927)/ Frederick Bryant (1941)
11 S Hl Winifred Hilda Lee
12 Hm C C Maria P Avery (1967)
13 S C Rhoda Perkins (1937)
14 +t C C Basil Dunn (1922)/ Basil John Dunn (1926)
15 M C C ?
16 S Hm James Western (1928)/ Caroline M Western (1945)
17 S Hl C C C Iain Robert Hatcher (1972)
18 Tf Annie Maud Ponsford (1950)/ Herbert John Ponsford (1971)
19 M N ?
20 S Hl C C William Howard Brown (1939)/ Jennie G Brown (1960)
21 S Hl C C Frederick Savage (1939)/ Mary Jane Savage (1940)/ Mary Elizabeth Savage (1975)
21 at foot of grave Ashes interred Vera Savage (10/02/14)
21 at foot of grave Ashes interred Kenneth Frederick Savage (10/11/2014)
21 at foot of grave Ashes interred Peter Savage (10/02/2014)
22 M N ? Possibly Batten
23 S Hl C Lilian Marks (1940)/ Conrad Henry Marks (1940)
24 S T inc C Henry Tucker (1940)/ Caroline Tucker (1944)
25 S Hl C C Frederick Henry Manley (1950)/ Rose Manley (1959)
26 M N ?
27 M N ? Possibly Bishop
28 S N Constance Annie Lowrie (widow of A E Newwland) (1948)
29 S Hl C C Philip Jesse Cook Hembry (1934)/ Nettie Rich Hembry (1973)
30 S Tr +t C Sydney Bisdee (1889)/ Sophia Bisdee (1894)
31 S Hl John Palmer(1944)/ Annie Louisa (1956)/ Martha Wellington (1935)/ Mildred Allen (1953)
32 Ht N Aaron Jones (1913)
33 M N ? Possibly Stocks
34 M C C ?
35 M C ?
36 S Hm C Hubert Dudley (1939)/ Mary Dudley (1941)
37 S Tr C N ?
38 +t M William Honeychurch (1917)/ Sarah Honeychurch (1934)
39 +t M N George Starks (1920)
40 Ht M N Louisa Starks (1919)/ Samuel Starks (1926)
41 S + C Alice Mary Parsons (1920)/ Thomas Henry Parsons (1926)
42 +t M N Daniel Davis (1904)/ Mary Ann Davis (1931)
43 S +t C William James Parsons (1952)/ Bessie Parsons (1943)
44 M N ?
45 S Hl N John Swain Rose (1937)/ Jane Kestell (1933)/ Mary Elizabeth Rose (1944)
46 S + N Henry Palmer Hemens (1902)/ Alice Emily Hemens (1929)
47 S Hl N Ernest E Hemens (1945)/ Elizabeth Catherine Hemens (1946)
48 S Ht N Sydney Hemens (1897)/ Eliza Hemmens (1916)
49 S +t N Emma Tovey (1909)
50 S +t N Amelia Maria Reynolds (1909)
51 S +t N Francis Parsons (1895)/ Clara Parsons (1923)
52 Obelisk N Charlotte Anne Durston (1894)/ John Durston (1895)
53 M N ?
54 S +t N Helen Margaret Tyler (1908)/ Hobart Tyler (1910)
55 S Hl C Mary Jane Bailey (1927)/ Thomas Bailey (1937)
56 M N ?
57 S Hm C Louisa Glazier (1936)/ George Glazier (1960)
58 M N ?
59 S Hm C C Emma Corner (1920)/ Samuel Corner (1942)
60 S Hm C N Emily Shale (1934)/ Benjamin Shale (1942)/ Rose Siddall (1964)
61 M N ?
62 S Hl C N Walter Osborn (1936)/ Sarah Ann Osborn (1949)
63 M N ?
64 S T inc C N Patricia Mary Osgood (1946)
In plot 64 Ashes interred Eileen Daisy Lilian Osgood (29/1/2013)
65 S C N Winifred Sarah Osgood (1956)
66 S T inc C N Thomas Stock (1953)/ Sarah Elizabeth Stock (1955)
67 M N ?
68 S T inc C N Katie Richten (1949)
69 S Hl N George William Hitchcock (1934)/ Lydia Ann Hitchcock (1939)
70 S N Emma J Atwell (1966)
71 Ht N Lily Staples (1918)/ Harriet Staples (1922)
72 Ht C James Norman Porter (1917)/ Sarah Porter (1934)/ Ada ? (daughter) (1945)/ Frank ? (Ada's husband)(1955)
73 S Hm U N John Lyons (1928)/ William John Lyons (1914)/ Mary Ann Lyons (1932)
74 S +t N Renee Heyliger Jarvis (1900)/ Samuel Peter Jarvis (1906)
75 S +t N Annie Alcock (1911)
76 S Ht N Edward Dean (1898)
77 S Hl Tf C Ann Nutt (1939)/ Tom Nutt (1945)/ Fred Nutt (1917)/ Margaret Jane Nutt (1963)
78 S Hm C Samuel Palmer (1925)/ Lucy Palmer (1900)/ Fanny Martha Palmer (1957)
In plot 78 Ashes interred Gwendoline Palmer (18/3/2003)
79 + iron C Parents of Arthur Gadd (who are Henry and Philippa Gadd) ashes of Arthur and Rosina Gadd
80 + iron C Parents of Arthur Gadd (who are Henry and Philippa Gadd) ashes of Arthur and Rosina Gadd
81 M N ? Parents of Alfred Taylor
82 M N ? Family of Alfred Taylor
83 M N ? Family of Alfred Taylor
84 Wood Post T N ? Infant of Reginald Palmer
85 Ht N Ernest Fear (1931)/ Clara Fear (1888)/ Thomas Fear (1900)/ Edgar Fear (1905 )/ Mary Ann Fear (1911)
86 Hm C C Kate White (1938)/ Ernest White (1974)
87 M C William John Stone (1951)/ Rose Alice Stone (1950) / John William Stone (1965)
In plot 87 Ashes interred Ruby Kathleen Sarah Stone (23/4/2003)
In plot 87 Ashes interred Timothy Neil Porter (20/7/2023)
88 S Hl T inc N Thomas James Edward Parsons (1950)/ Frances Dorothea Parsons (1968)
89 S T inc C William Bryant (1950)/ Beatrice Amelia Bryant (1971)
90 S Ht N Stephen Dymond (1924)/ Ellen Dymond (1935)/ Thomas Edward Dymond (1938)/ Francis Stephen Dymond (1943)
91 Ht N Anna Yarde (1899)
92 S N Agnes Mary Young (1936)/ William Thomas Young (1946)
93 M N ?
94 M N ?
95 M N ?
96 M N ?
97 M N ?
98 M N ?
99 S Hm C N Mabel Dale Bolttler (1965)
100 S Hm C Vaughan Duke (1955)/ Helen Duke (1967)
101 M N ?
102 S +l C C James Parkin (1948)/ Helen Jane Parkin (1955)
103 M N Original burial not known. Ashes of Gordon Barwick (21/4/2015)
104 Hm C C Alexander Frederick John Court (1951)/ Rona Charlotte Elizabeth Court (1974)
105 M N ?
106 M N ?
107 M N ?
108 M N ?
109 M N ?
110 +l iron N ?
111 +l iron N ?
112 M ? Stone
113 M C C George Cox (196?)
114 M N ?
115 +l wood M N Ernest A Birch (1931)
116 + broken M N Alfred Jones Rumney (1898)
117 S C Isabel Twist (1964)/ Gertrude (sister) (1971)
118 S C C George Henry Williams (1951)/ Sarah Ann Williams (1951)
119 M N ? Millard
120 S T inc C N Bernard Adams (1958)
121 Hm C C Kate Heath (1959)/ Edwin Heath (1975)/ Reginald Heath (1943)
121 Below Headstone Ashes interred Peggy Ayliffe (25/10/13)
122 S Hl C William Austin (1966)
123 M N ?
124 Hm T inc C C Lewis Stephen Stuckey (1973)/ Pam Lee (2007)
125 Ht N John Thorne (1901)/ Harriet Thorne (1887)
126 U M N ? member of the Hemens family
127 Ht William Jones (1888)/ Elizabeth Jones (1918)
128 Hm C Maurice Jones (1973)/ James Jones (1951)/ Harriet Hart Jones (1944)
129 S +t N Henry James Vinson (1913)
130 Tf N Clara May Western (1944)/ Clifford R Passmore (1967)
131 S Hl C C Alfred George Harris (1956)/ Ellen Harris (1964)
132 S Hm C C Clara Jane Smith (1944)/ Susan Eleanor Passwell (sister) (1944)/ George H Smith (1962)/ Grace Smith (1976)
133 S C N Robert Wilson (1944)
134 S Hm C N Alice ? (1943)
135 S C N Frederick Botham (1941)/ Nellie Grace Botham (1946)
136 S N ?
137 M N ?
138 Hl M N Eliza Smart (?)
139 S Hm N George Parkhouse (1927)/ Frederick George Parkhouse (1955)
140 S Hl N William Fleming (1942)/ Lilian Elizabeth (1969)
141 S Hl C Thomas Clarke (1944)/ Annie Clarke (1955)
142 Hm C (2) N Maurice Ernest Cooper (1977)/ David Cooper (1944)/ Marion Annie Cooper (1981)
143 M C ?
144 M C C ? Smith
145 M C C Donald Hutchings (1977)
146 Hm C C Ethel Wilson (1978)/ Francis Wilson (1994)
147 Hm C Phyllis Rose Wyatt (1977)
148 Hm C C Richard Paul Zanelli (1977)/ Terry Zanelli (1989)/ Walter Zanelli (1994)
149 Hm C C Kevin George Gooch (1977)
150 M C Penelope Laventon (197?)
151 Hm C Bill Jenkins (1976)
152 Hm C Miriam Flavell (1975)
153 M N ?
154 Hm C C George Searle (1974)
155 M C Douglas Woolmington (197?)
156 Hm C C Mary Hardman (1974)/ Alice Coward (1998)/ Harold Coward (1995)
157 Hm C C Jessie Percival (1974)/ Cyril Percival (1979)
158 Hm C Henry Culff (1979)/ Hilda Culff (1994)/ Robert Henry Culff (1994)
159 Hm C George Powell (1980)/ Rose Greaves (1980)
160 Hm C Queenie M Hart (1981)/ Richard Edward Hart (1982)
161 Hm C Leslie Higgins (1982)
Interments List
Location Name Date interred
1 George Thomas Silk 13/01/1983
1 Edna Silk 06/05/2003
2 Edna Daniels 14/02/1983
3 George Edward A Tinker 13/05/1983
4 Simon Paul Fudge 05/08/1983
5 Hugh Dereic Palmer 01/09/1983
6 Robert Alexander Coulthard 13/02/1985
7 Sidney Waller 28/02/1985
8 Elsie Emily Thompson 26/07/1985
9 David Glennie 07/01/1986
10 Robert Thompson 05/11/1985
11 William Frederick Jenkins 09/05/1986
12 Winifred May Smith 04/06/1986
13 Ronald Vogler 08/08/1986
14 Annie Moore 13/10/1986
14a John Hubert Collings 27/10/1986
14a Heather Collings 19/02/2017
15 Doris May Jenkins 11/02/1987
16 Jim Hallet 26/06/1987
17 George Henry Daniels 25/08/1967
18 Ivy Carwardine 27/08/1987
19 Ronald Griffiths 01/10/1987
20 William Thomas Hilton 02/11/1987
20 Lila Hilton 03/06/2004
21 Sydney Ellis Beecham 09/12/1987
21 Audrey Grace Beacham 27/05/2003
22 Leonard William Cornish 30/12/1987
23 Jessie May Short 13/02/1989
24 Francis Wilfred Wyatt 17/05/1989
25 Horace Walter Goodwin 22/05/1989
26 Horace Stafford 19/06/1989
26 Beatrice Stafford 09/05/2022
27 Jean Elizabeth Matthews 12/07/1989
28 Gladys Gutteridge 03/01/1990
29 Caroline Mary Eden 05/02/1990
30 Peter Michael Whaites 19/12/1991
30 Diane Valerie Whaites 14/11/2012
31 Colin Frederick Dixon 08/03/1991
32 David William Ashford 15/07/1991
33 John Herbert Warburton 12/09/1991
34 Hugh Richard Robert Pryce 21/04/1992
35 Emily Rowe 23/04/1992
36 Edward Carwardine 02/05/1992
37 Annie Thomas 11/05/1992
38 Mabel Reasons 31/07/1992
39 Leonard Ernest Stock 08/10/1992
40 Sidney Reasons 05/04/1993
41 Gordon Gartside 13/05/1993
42 Nigel Anthony Dixon 01/05/1993
43 Albert Douglas Moore 24/05/1993
44 Samuel Leslie Cooper 02/07/1993
44 Esme Cooper 16/12/2001
45 Floreace Elizabeth Messer 20/10/1993
46 Gillian Glare Pendercast 14/02/1994
47 Reginald Frank Short 16/03/1994
48 Cyril William Thomas 01/07/1994
49 Gordon Gartside Greetham 17/08/1994
50 Irene Thompson 28/02/1995
51 Irene Alice Hallet 17/03/1995
52 Josephine Grace Peterson 16/05/1995
53 Frederick Winn 27/07/1995
54 Barbara Janet Wallace 19/01/1996
55 Raymond William Wilkins 01/03/1996
55 Maud Wilkins 02/09/1996
56 Willian Francis Willis 26/06/1996
56 Phyllis Anne Willis 17/01/2006
57 Dorothy Dunn 07/08/1996
57 Rendell William Dunn 24/02/2009
58 Albert George Wall 11/10/1996
58 Enid Una Wall 26/04/2008
59 Elizabeth Hand 17/10/1996
60 Milli Huffadine 11/05/1997
61 Christiana Mary Parsons 25/07/1997
61 William Noel Parsons 01/02/2001
62 Edith Lily Byles 04/08/1997
62 Gregory Byles 11/02/2016
63 Nora Carney 23/09/1997
63 John William Carney 11/03/2001
64 Arthur W Harrod & P Harrod 16/07/1998
65 Burton Heathcote 04/06/1993
66 Richard Banwell 21/06/1998
67 Geoffrey Dyer 16/09/1998
67 Joan Dyer 30/01/2010
68 Stuart Shaw 23/03/1998
70 Patricia Brookes 10/08/1999
70 Jim G Brookes 25/02/2005
71 Neville George Davis 08/10/1999
72 Arthur Scotchmer 11/08/2000
72 Jacqueline Scotchmer 27/04/2011
72 Evelyn Scotchmer 24/04/2023
73 Wally Hawes 28/11/2000
73 Doreen Hawes 27/04/2011
74 A J Humphries & I F Humphries 14/04/2000
75 Pearl Vivienne Reasons 22/02/2001
76 Kathleen Dixon 17/03/2002
77 Mary Lewis 24/03/2002
77 Dorothy M Lewis 14/07/2003
78 Brenda Oxenham ?/5/2002
78 David Oxenham 15/07/2017
79 E R Evans 27/05/2002
80 Rita Beryl Francis 23/08/2002
80 Guy Francis 26/03/2002
80 Anita Beryl Taylor 03/09/2013
81 David Greed 28/01/2003
82 Elizabeth May Farthing 21/02/2003
83 George Powell 18/02/2003
84 John Corkell 01/06/2003
85 Margaret Travis Dale 07/07/2003
86 Doreen Spragg 06/05/2004
87 Eric Phillips 06/05/2004
88 Jack Hicks 12/04/2005
88 Greta Hicks 21/10/2013
89 Anthony Scott 02/05/2005
90 Dennis Payne 03/05/2005
91 Val Poole 03/06/2005
91 Eric Poole 19/7/2023
92 Tony Knight 18/09/2005
93 Revd George Williams 15/01/2006
93 Isabel Williams 23/06/2016
94 Gwen Turner 12/02/2006
94 Kenneth John Turner 24/09/2014
95 Bernard Newman 30/04/2004
96 Norman Beacham 20/10/2006
96 Barbara Beacham 22/09/2016
97 Shirley Anne Dyson 07/09/2007
98 Wendy Turnbull 06/09/2008
99 Terry Hamlin 24/09/2008
99 Thelma Hamlin 25/07/2021
100 John Sharpe 29/05/2009
101 John T Evans 17/01/2009
101 Evelyn Evans 02/09/2011
102 George W Viney 09/02/2010
102 Constance Viney 05/11/2011
103 Jean Margaret Hogarth 21/05/2011
104 Frederick Roy Hart 08/10/2011
104 Margaret Anderson Hart 17/10/2014
105 Norma Martin 06/02/2012
106 Elizabeth Ann Flint 10/04/2013
107 Sybil Pattrick 11/05/2013
108 Donald James 19/10/2013
109 Dennis A Saunders 18/12/2013
110 Pearl Muriel Hiscox 03/07/2015
111 Brian Westley 08/06/2016
112 Freda Moment 03/05/2016
113 Not used - stone below surface
114 Muriel Charles 09/10/2013
115 Patricia Hodge 13/10/2016
116 Mervyn Bennett 18/01/2017
116 Sheilah Bennett 13/04/2019
117 Gordon Piggott 28/06/2017
118 David Avery 28/08/2017
119 Bernard Spillane 11/11/2017
120 Maggie Cousin 18/11/2017
121 David Holt 18/11/2017
122 Francis Hedges 26/04/2018
123 June Crocker 17/05/2018
123 Derek Crocker 09/05/2022
124 Florence Sills 04/07/2018
125 Shirley Chedgy 13/09/2018
126 Sheila Etchells 30/03/2019
127 Joan Eleanor Williams 16/05/2019
128 Hazel Frances Glass 03/07/2019
129 Denis Hawkings 30/07/2019
129 Vera Hawkings 03/04/2023
130 Pat Jefferis 24/08/2019
131 Jackie Williams 08/02/2020
132 Rodney Maunder 22/08/2020
133 Richard Oliver 13/08/2020
134 Derek Lakin 29/10/2020
135 Phillip Goode 05/08/2021
136 John Potter 20/11/2021
137 Diane Sims 23/06/2022
138 Richard Harris 10/10/2022
Memorial Photos for St Mary's churchyard on FindAGrave.com