1st March 2025
Dear Friends,
Today I saw the first daffodils of the season! By the time you read this they’ll probably be everywhere!
The spring flowers seem to put us in the mood to clean and declutter our homes! As nature renews itself, we also get our houses in order and give ourselves a fresh start. In Isaiah 43 God speaks through his prophet,
“Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth…” He goes on to describe the transformation that his presence and power will bring: “a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
At this time of new life, God also offers us a spiritual springtime! Is there some spiritual decluttering or spiritual spring cleaning that would make a difference in your life this Lent?
Are there relationships that could do with a fresh start or a fresh attitude?
Are there grumpy habits that should be given up?
Are there some positive things that would be good for us to take up? Could we treat those who frustrate us with more tolerance and friendliness?
Could we speak positively rather than critically?
Could we show more empathy and compassion to those around us, particularly those we find difficult?
As we look to Easter, God is calling us to move forward with open eyes and hearts to live out his love in our families and friendship groups, workplaces and social spaces. What positive changes could you adopt to make your little corner of the world a better place?
May God bless you this spring and strengthen you to mould your life in a way that blesses you and those around you.
Every blessing,
Love, Larissa
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