30th August 2024
Dear Friends,
‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ are the words chosen by John Keats to begin his poem ‘To Autumn’. Written in September 1819 after Keats had gone for a walk along the River Itchen near Winchester, Keats’ poem reflects the beauty and abundance of the season, how things have grown and are ready to be harvested. At the end of this month, there will be Harvest Festival services in both our churches where we will celebrate and reflect on all that God has given us, remembering those who do not have as much as we do and offering our harvest gifts to the Food Bank to help others.
And this year in we will have the opportunity to reflect also on the ‘mellow fruitfulness’ we have found in our time of vacancy. Since September 2023, we have worked together to support each in the mission of our churches. Our worship has not ceased; our care for each other has continued; we have maintained our involvement with our schools, our uniformed groups, with village groups and the links with Haywood Village Church grow. We haven’t always got things right but we have tried to do the best we were able. There have been many positives, with new friendships being made, with challenges being met and with encouragement always available. Thank you to all but most of all thank you to God for His unfailing love, strength, forgiveness and provision. We have never been alone.
September is also the month of new starts. Hutton School, jointly with Becket School, will have a new Executive Head, Ms Charlotte Barwell. Many children in the benefice will be starting new schools; all will be having new teachers. We pray for them, and their families, that they will all thrive and grow. The Benefice will be making the final preparations for Larissa’s licensing; Larissa is making her preparations to join us and to lead us. Exciting times are ahead, no matter what our age. So as we travel through this year’s season of ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’ and beyond let us remember the words of the harvest hymn:
‘All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above, Then thank the Lord , O thank the Lord , for all His love.’
Jane Barry (Reader)
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